

We are always around

Lepper has representatives trained to serve you and present the best product for your business.

To find the sales representative nearest you, select the location below:
We are always around :)
Agent of the State of Santa Catarina
Anaju Representacoes Ltda
Região atendida: Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina

Phone : 55-9810553-04
Av. America, 48 Sala 04 Centro - Santa Rosa - SC
Contact the agent
Jlog Repres. Comerciais E Transportes Ltda
Região atendida: Norte estado Santa Catarina
Cell Phone : 47-99257-3799
Phone : 47-3371-7910
Rua Nazareno,317, Box 04, Gloria - Joinville - SC
Contact the agent
Pollyana Jullyesse Santiago
Região atendida: Vale do Itajaí e Litoral

Phone : 47 - 99621-1939
Rua Anita Maciel de Souza Jd. Iririu - Joinville - SC
Contact the agent
Representacoes R K Ltda
Região atendida: Capital, Alto Vale, Serra e Sul de Santa Cata

Phone : 47-98826-0208
Rua Carlos Franz,130,130 Estação - Trombudo Central - SC
Contact the agent